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by: Valkyria GreyValkyria Grey
08 Mar 2021 14:45
5 by NCatNCat
10 Mar 2021 12:06 Jump!
by: NCatNCat
03 Mar 2021 12:56
12 by NCatNCat
17 Mar 2021 01:20 Jump!
should we add semi-official items to the Wondrous Items page? how's the page look? changes?
by: cottoneyenohcottoneyenoh
25 Feb 2021 21:22
11 by cottoneyenohcottoneyenoh
17 Mar 2021 00:53 Jump!
edit the front page to make the mystic visible and move the rune scribe
by: NCatNCat
19 Feb 2021 02:10
5 by NCatNCat
04 Mar 2021 12:41 Jump!
Just a thing I noticed
by: Isador SmithIsador Smith
18 Feb 2021 13:14
2 by cottoneyenohcottoneyenoh
19 Feb 2021 15:29 Jump!
by: jubiczjubicz
17 Feb 2021 16:57
2 by NCatNCat
18 Feb 2021 01:32 Jump!
by: NCatNCat
16 Feb 2021 02:04
3 by NCatNCat
17 Feb 2021 05:48 Jump!
request for front page to be updated
by: NCatNCat
15 Feb 2021 11:10
3 by NCatNCat
17 Feb 2021 05:48 Jump!
Feature "Magical Detection" should be called "Headwinds"
by: FlooginFloogin
14 Feb 2021 15:31
2 by Fredbob711Fredbob711
15 Feb 2021 03:09 Jump!
I can't seem to find the Tools page anymore, where did it go?
by: Out of TimeOut of Time
02 Feb 2021 03:58
4 by Out of TimeOut of Time
02 Apr 2021 08:10 Jump!
by: therex55213therex55213
24 Jan 2021 17:27
6 by NCatNCat
31 Jan 2021 23:55 Jump!
by: Valkyria GreyValkyria Grey
21 Jan 2021 01:00
2 by Fredbob711Fredbob711
22 Jan 2021 13:03 Jump!
by: Valkyria GreyValkyria Grey
18 Jan 2021 02:42
12 by NCatNCat
19 Feb 2021 02:22 Jump!
Wikidot says Geas casting time is 1 action, when it is actually 10 mins
by: Flared9921Flared9921
01 Jan 2021 23:06
3 by Flared9921Flared9921
02 Jan 2021 13:31 Jump!
by: BucklingSwashesBucklingSwashes
27 Dec 2020 05:10
4 by cottoneyenohcottoneyenoh
18 Apr 2021 03:37 Jump!
by: cheeki_breeki420cheeki_breeki420
24 Dec 2020 23:18
4 by cottoneyenohcottoneyenoh
19 Jan 2021 18:20 Jump!
by: changelingshapechangelingshape
24 Dec 2020 17:14
5 by Fredbob711Fredbob711
14 Jan 2021 14:01 Jump!
Natural Explorer description doesn't match the one in Ranger class
by: RyszRysz
24 Dec 2020 00:35
2 by cottoneyenohcottoneyenoh
15 Jan 2021 18:50 Jump!
by: gyrannongyrannon
19 Dec 2020 17:59
2 by Fredbob711Fredbob711
19 Dec 2020 20:05 Jump!
Incomplete section of stat block?
by: Out of TimeOut of Time
03 Dec 2020 06:29
2 by Fredbob711Fredbob711
03 Dec 2020 13:31 Jump!