Im mostly using this thread as a way to track progress as I go through each UA to ensure we have its contents up on the wikidot (thank you very much cotteneyenoh for the checklist <333, since yeah, I find having a discussion forum helps with me tracking my work.
First up out of order is UA warlock and wizard's Eldritch Invocations, which we dont have, despite having the ravenqueen warlock from said UA.
Though, I'm thinking with this, since there are about 60 Eldritch invocations at present on the wikidot, and there are 20+ invocations in this UA, that I feel I'm going to start by migrating the current UA invocations to a /warlock:eldritch-invocations-UA link, so as to better distinguish them, and then link the UA ones in the top of the warlock page, and then someone with front page perms can add them below the warlocks Archived UA section
edit: Oh! And this does actually open up the window to creating similiar pages for Homebrew invocations from the list of homebrew creators we list. Same goes infusions too I believe, meaning I might add an equivilant page, since I know that Exploring Ebberon had a couple of infusions in there