Cause Fear - does not have Somatic components
Summon Fiend - Death Throes says "ire damage" instead "fire damage"
Conjure Lesser Demon - Title should be "Conjure Lesser Demon (UA)"
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All of those have been fixed.
The only person with the ability to grant permissions is the site creator, unfortunately they are rarely here any more, at least that we've seen. I've asked them to grant me admin privileges so I could give people edit capability, but haven't heard back and I sent that a couple months ago. As far as I know, I'm the only one active with the ability to even edit the main page.
At the Summon Celestial page, at the Celestial Spirit stat block, at the AC tab, you have forgotten to add "+2 (Defender only)" found in the Tasha's Cauldron of Everything book.
According to Volo, the Kobold monstrous race requires a -2 to strength ability score
Never mind. It was errata'd in 2020.