Currently my character is a Goliath, level 2 barbarian/level1 fighter with a background of Gladiator. If I choose to level up the barbarian to level 3 and go Path of the Beast, do I also choose one of the four Origins of the Beast and get the pro/cons that come with it? I ask as I am thinking of going Goliath Lycanthrope so I may add 1 to both Strength and Constitution. I currently have + 6 Athletics so losing Natural Athlete may not be a big deal.
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» Lycanthrope/Origins of the Beast
Lycanthrope/Origins of the Beast
that's a conversation to have between you and your dm. for what it's worth, i believe the Origins of the Beast are just suggestions for in-character reasons why you have bestial energy within you rather than, for example, actually changing your race into a Shifter. nothing in the text indicates that choosing any of those origins will have any mechanical bearing on your character moving forwards, it's essentially just flavor