"I can actually reveal today that we have earlier this year - we began work on the next evolution of Dungeons and Dragons - new versions of the Core Rule Books, which will be coming out in 2024 to celebrate the 50th anniversary of Dungeons and Dragons … with the surveys we have been giving out … the next evolution of the game … we are doing the best to give you the version of the game that you really want; so we can't really say much more yet about what our plans are, as we are still making them; but you are gonna see more surveys like that …. next year - the timing is next year, so next year we will have plenty more to say about those books and what they mean for D&D …. one thing by the way I can assure you these new versions of the books are gonna be completely compatible with all those 5th Edition products that you already own and love and all those products that we will release between now and then …. so next year we will have more to say."
So, in the recent dnd celebration livestreams, we have basically just been handing a 3 year heads up for whats most likely going to be a 5.5e, or at the very least a revamp of all the core rulebooks
The good news is that it will be backwards compatible
So, while its way to early to create a plan for how we're going to integrate what they throw at us to the website, since well, we dont have a clue for atleast a good while, but its sorta a good idea to plan ahead for things we know they might throw at us
We do know the recent survey we got from WoTC basically asked for feedback on the entirety of the PHB classes, so odds are we could be looking at revisions for basically all the phb player content, in otherwords, all the PHB player content
So, would we move the old PHB stuff to a '5.0e' section, just as we move abandoned UA, and then have the new versions on the front page?
And this is assuming the rules change too drastically hopefully, but since its supposed to be backwards compatiable, odds are most of the current stuff on the site, aside from phb stuff, should be fine
Idunno, thoughts?