Here is a list of the background pages that I have completed so far,
Curse of Strahd: Optional Backgrounds
- Black Fist Double Agent
- Dragon Casualty
- Iron Route Bandit
- Phlan Insurgent
- Stojanow Prisoner
- Ticklebelly Nomad
Ghosts of Saltmarsh
- Fisher
- Shipwright
- Smuggler
Mulmaster Bonds and Backgrounds
- Caravan Specialist
- Earthspur Miner
- Harborfolk
- Mulmaster Aristocrat
- Phlan Refugee
Mythic Odysseys of Theros
- Athlete
State of Hillsfar
- Cormanthor Refugee
- Gate Urchin
- Hillsfar Merchant
- Hillsfar Smuggler
Background Variant Features
horde of the Dragon Queen
- Cult of the Dragon Infiltrator
- Dragon Scholar
Out of the Abyss
- Deep Delver
- Underdark Experience
There are still a few that require completion, those being a few from hilsfar and the aquisitions inc backgrounds, specifically:
State of Hillsfar
- Secret Identity
- Shade Fanatic
- Trade Sheriff
Acquisitions Inc
- Celebrity Adventurer's Scion
- Failed Merchant
- Gambler
- Plaintiff
- Rival Intern
The finished pages should be added to the frontpage, and the yet to be completed pages I will continue working on so they can be added there eventually